2022-11-04 20:33:04 1KB matlab  excell xlsread
smith园图——excell版 Freq (MHz) S11x S11y 900.000 0.00000 0.00000 910.000 -0.33333 0.00000 920.000 -0.20000 0.40000 930.000 0.20000 0.40000 940.000 0.33333 0.00000 950.000 0.20000 -0.40000 960.000 -0.20000 -0.40000 970.000 -0.66667 0.00000 980.000 -0.42012 0.59172 990.000 0.00000 1.00000 1000.000 0.82353 0.29412 1010.000 0.81818 0.00000 1020.000 0.82353 -0.29412 1030.000 0.00000 -1.00000 1040.000 -0.42012 -0.59172 1050.000 -1.00000 0.00000 1060.000 1070.000 1080.000 1090.000 1100.000 1110.000 1120.000 1130.000
2022-09-09 14:04:10 65KB smith圆图
WinSteam is a library of functions which provide the thermodynamic and transport properties of steam and water. The functions are based on the 1967 IFC Formulation for Industrial Use. These same formulations are the basis of the tables published in the ASME Steam Tables, 1967. The WinSteam functions are valid over a full range identified by the 1967 IFC formulations. This range spans pressures from 0.088 Psia to 15700 Psia and temperatures varying between 30 F to 1600 F. The transport properties have a slightly more limited range. A Windows DLL is WinSteams engine. It contains all the steam property calculation routines. This package includes additional files to facilitate access to the DLL from some of the most popular Windows applications: Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows, Quattro Pro for Windows, Microsoft Visual BASIC and C/C++ compilers for Windows.
2022-07-28 10:48:33 609KB 水蒸气 性质计算 excell
delphi 使用 dbgrid2excell 导出数据到 Excell 速度快.ADO连接数据库,使用简单快捷 下载后解压
2022-06-21 16:03:18 6KB Delphi  数据库 导出Excell
多级 跌水 计算excell表格 河道渠道内跌水计算
2021-12-13 10:49:12 60KB 跌水 计算 表格
aspose cells for java 8.6.3最新完美破解版,无水印无文件大小限制,无使用时间限制。由于aspose比较吃内存,操作大一点的文件就会堆溢出,所以请先设置好java虚拟机参数:-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m(参考值)。如果亲们在使用过程中有任何问题,请在楼下回复即可。本人亲自破解,内含Eclipse工程,直接导入Eclipse就能运行demo。适用于jdk6.0的环境,免费下载!
2021-10-25 16:01:46 5.73MB aspose excell java
python2.7 excell环境
2021-09-10 14:00:53 13.2MB python
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2021-09-09 21:00:26 24.31MB 脚本语言
python 实现dat转Excel
2021-09-02 19:03:03 21.65MB python excell bpa