2024-04-13 13:56:57 3.18MB
用于谷歌Chrome的DjVu查看器扩展。 这是Cuminas DjVu Viewer的Chrome扩展程序。目前,它仅支持一些功能,但我们正在努力加以改进! 0.0.139-在打印程序上进行了一些细化 0.0.131-实验打印支持;如果文档有很多页面,则会消耗大量内存 0.0.129-解决了某些错误情况0.0.128-解决了某些站点上的频繁刷新问题,试图以某种方式检测插件0.0.119-实验:实现动态DjVu标签注入的检测0.0.115-下载按钮动画在下载DjVu文件0.0.109的过程中-向页面添加直接跳转(重新添加)-修复了间接DjVu文件0.0.107的问题-很抱歉; 0.0.106在某些网站上存在问题,该版本暂时删除了直接跳转功能... 0.0.106-在页面上添加了直接跳转0.0.103-修复了带有查询参数的某些URL上的DjVu解码错误-修复了UI刷新问题0.0 .100-新增:添加下载按钮-工具栏现在位于查看器的底部,以减少与最大化模式(F11)的冲突 0.0.96-跨站点DjVu文件访问的更新0.0.91-稳定性更新0.0.83-高DPI支持/修复0.0.80-修复了与某些站点的兼容性问题-提高了稳定性;它可以解决某些环境下的崩溃问题-改进了错误处理功能0.0.68-添加页面调整按钮-现在支持部分DJVUOPTS:被动,工具栏,键盘,页面,缩放 refs.html#cgi_args 0.0.62-修复:该扩展程序可能阻止Gmail邮件预览0.0.61-更友好的错误报告0.0.59-修复了小问题-添加键盘导航此扩展程序使用WebHostingHub字形的图标/字体 支持语言:English,日本語
2024-02-04 17:11:49 1.27MB 生产工具
2024-01-10 08:44:42 1.45MB djvu转pdf djvu制作
2024-01-05 11:45:02 8.15MB mathematical physics
Edited By Owen Burkinshaw, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis , U.S.A. By Charalambos Aliprantis, Purdue University, Indianapolis, U.S.A. Description With the success of its previous editions, Principles of Real Analysis, Third Edition, continues to introduce students to the fundamentals of the theory of measure and functional analysis. In this thorough update, the authors have included a new chapter on Hilbert spaces as well as integrating over 150 new exercises throughout. The new edition covers the basic theory of integration in a clear, well-organized manner, using an imaginative and highly practical synthesis of the "Daniell Method" and the measure theoretic approach. Students will be challenged by the more than 600 exercises contained in the book. Topics are illustrated by many varied examples, and they provide clear connections between real analysis and functional analysis. Audience Upper-level graduate or undergraduate students studying real analysis. Contents Fundamentals of Real Analysis Topology and Continuity The Theory of Measure The Lebesgue Integral Normed Spaces and Lp-Spaces Hilbert Spaces Special Topics in Integration Bibliography
2023-03-20 20:37:31 9.32MB 实分析 基础 教材
2023-03-01 21:24:15 862KB Grace Wahba spline models
The title reminds me of this historical oddity: In the distant past, Chinese scholars, some of them imaginary, traveled to the West (that is, India) in search of Urtcxt Buddhist scriptures. About fifteen centuries later, this process has come full circle, and Western scholars, some of them all too real, trawl to the East to discover and render into Western terms not so much the scriptures as the spirit and gestures of Eastern philosophy. This readable and accurate book, by a pioneering scholar of Buddhism, is a very creditable product of this movement. Even its tone of intellectual severity and moral earnestncssone is reminded at times more of Samuel Richardson than of Chuang Tsu--is entirely appropriate, for Zen Buddhism is the extreme puritanical branch of Eastern my
2023-02-06 20:58:09 4.49MB codes
2023-01-01 11:27:26 1.22MB 交换代数
2022-12-23 19:35:43 10.21MB 数学 概率论
WinDjView是一个电子图书阅读软件,可以阅读 .DjVu 和 .DjV 格式的文件。并可导出页面图片及文本。无需安装,可直接解压缩至任意目录。 djvu阅读器(WinDjView)的特色 - 支持所有流行的 Windows 版本 (8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000, Server 2008, Server 2003) - 标签式文档界面。另一种方式是在各自的窗口中打开每个文档 - 连续或单页布局,可以选择分组对开页面 - 界面语言:英语、俄语、简体中文 - 用户创建的书签和批注 - 文本搜索和复制* - 支持翻译鼠标指针下的单词的词典* - 可调整大小的缩略图 - 目录和超级链接 - 高级打印 - 全屏幕模式 - 放大镜和选取框缩放 - 将页面(或页面的一部分)导出到 bmp、png、gif、tif 和 jpg - 以 90 度旋转页面 - 缩放到页面大小、页面宽度、100% 或者自定义缩放 - 亮度、对比度和灰度调整 - 显示模式:彩色、黑白、前景和背景 - 用于滚动和导航的键盘快捷键 - 如果需要,则在资源管理器中与 DjVu 文件关联 * 这些特性仅在带有内置文本层的文档中有效。 软件截图
2022-12-06 15:02:27 2.77MB 应用软件-电子阅读