This book is an introduction to 3-D computer graphics with particular emphasis on fundamentals and the mathematics underlying computer graphics. It includes descriptions of how to use the cross-platformOpenGL programming environment. It also includes source code for a ray tracing software package. (Accompanying software is available freely from the book抯 Web site.) Topics include a thorough treatment of transformations and viewing, lighting and shading models, interpolation and averaging, B磂zier curves and B-splines, ray tracing and radiosity, and intersection testing withra ys. Additional topics, covered in less depth, include texture mapping and color theory. The book also covers some aspects of animation, including quaternions, orientation, and inverse kinematics. Mathematical background on vectors and matrices is reviewed in an appendix. This book is aimed at the advanced undergraduate level or introductory graduate level and can also be used for self-study. Prerequisit……
2024-02-18 23:58:36 7.22MB Computer Graphics OpenGL.pdf
2024-01-05 11:45:02 8.15MB mathematical physics
comment copied from amazon 2001: I brought this book ( volume 2 also as well ) because of its " fame ", but when I read it, it has several draw backs. First, may be the original version is in German, so even with good translation, it seem does not fit in the usual English style we get used to. Also the topics it choose is too few and also the area covered is too narrow and not well co-ordinated. For example, the whole volume I is almost dedicated to Calculus of variation only. In volume 2, the whole book is dedicated to differential equations. But that is not the greatest drawback. The most bad point is that the book just presents formulae after formulae, equations after equations, without giving examples of how to use it, and also no exercise for me to practice.
2024-01-05 11:30:12 22.06MB Mathematical Courant Hilbert
非常经典的数学分析书.这是一部近代的数学名著,一直受到数学界的推崇。作为Rudin的分析学经典著作之一,本书在西方各国乃至我国均有着广泛而深远的影响,被许多高校用做数学分析课的必选教材。本书涵盖了高等微积分学的丰富内容,最精彩的部分集中在基础拓扑结构,函数项序列与级数。多变量函数以及微分形式的积分等章节。第3版经过增删与修订,更加符合学生的阅读习惯与思考方式。 本书内容相当精练,结构简单明了,这也是Rudin著作的一大特色。
2023-05-15 20:54:20 2.6MB Rudin 英文
2023-05-15 20:20:26 32.5MB Mathematical Analysis
2023-05-15 20:14:19 1.84MB 高等数学
Mathematical Control Theory
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Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables.pdf
2023-03-06 20:30:20 1.08MB Handbook of Mathematical Functions
Sadri Hassani.Mathematical Methods Using Math.pdf
2023-02-02 16:50:49 4.22MB math
2022-12-30 14:49:56 9.26MB and for Mathematical Methods