英文书名《The Art Of Computer Programming》
第3版 Addison Wesley 国防工业出版社
Donald E.Knuth著 苏运霖译
第一卷 基本算法
。。。第1章 基本概念
。。。第2 章 信息结构
第二卷 半数值算法
。。。第3 章 随机数
。。。第4章 算术
第三卷 排序与查找
。。。第5章 排序
。。。第6章 查找


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高德纳-姚期智动态规划的优化( Knuth-Yao DP Speedup ) 内含如四边形不等式等内容
2022-05-09 00:10:04 246KB 动态规划 算法 优化
2022-04-03 19:56:35 124.29MB 计算机程序设计艺术 高德纳
《计算机程序设计艺术》1,2,3卷--中文PDF电子书英文书名《The Art Of Computer Programming》第3版 Addison Wesley 国防工业出版社Donald E.Knuth著 苏运霖译第一卷 基本算法。。。第1章 基本概念。。。第2 章 信息结构第二卷 半数值算法。。。第3 章 随机数。。。第4章 算术第三卷 排序与查找。。。第5章 排序。。。第6章 查找采用RAR分卷压缩,共分成了5卷,这是第四部分,大家慢慢看吧:)
研究之美(算法大师高德纳(Donald E.Knuth)教您如何自我发现,探索真理!)。《研究之美》是计算机科学大师、“算法分析之父”高德纳(Donald E. Knuth)在20世纪70年代旅居挪威时撰写的适用于计算机科学的一种全新基础数学结构的情景小品。《研究之美》以一对追求自由精神生活的青年男女为主人公,展开了一段对于该种全新结构的发现和构造的对白。在此过程中,《研究之美》充分展示了计算机科学的从业人员进行全新领域探索时所必备的怀疑、立论、构造、证明、归纳、演绎等逻辑推理和深入反思的能力。《研究之美》可以看作是读懂高德纳的艰深著作《计算机程序设计艺术》和《具体数学》的钥匙。
2021-11-07 01:20:00 17.82MB 高德纳
资源来自http://b-ok.org/,本人对相关版权等问题不了解,可联系删除 The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms (3rd Edition) Donald E. Knuth This magnificent tour de force presents a comprehensive overview of a wide variety of algorithms and the analysis of them. Now in its third edition, The Art of Computer Programming, Volume I: Fundamental Algorithms contains substantial revisions by the author and includes numerous new exercises. Although this book was conceived several decades ago, it is still a timeless classic. One of the book's greatest strengths is the wonderful collection of problems that accompany each chapter. The author has chosen problems carefully and indexed them according to difficulty. Solving a substantial number of these problems will help you gain a solid understanding of the issues surrounding the given topic. Furthermore, the exercises feature a variety of classic problems. Fundamental Algorithms begins with mathematical preliminaries. The first section offers a good grounding in a variety of useful mathematical tools: proof techniques, combinatorics, and elementary number theory. Knuth then details the MIX processor, a virtual machine architecture that serves as the programming target for subsequent discussions. This wonderful section comprehensively covers the principles of simple machine architecture, beginning with a register-level discussion of the instruction set. A later discussion of a simulator for this machine includes an excellent description of the principles underlying the implementation of subroutines and co-routines. Implementing such a simulator is an excellent introduction to computer design. In the second section, Knuth covers data structures--stacks, queues, lists, arrays, and trees--and presents implementations (in MIX assembly) along with techniques for manipulating these structures. Knuth follows many of the algorithms with careful time and space analysis. In the section on tree structures, the discussion includes a series
2021-08-26 13:16:07 66.5MB 英文原版 D.E.Knuth
资源来自http://b-ok.org/,本人对相关版权等问题不了解,可联系删除 The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms (3rd Edition) Donald E. Knuth Volume 2 of Donald Knuth's classic series The Art of Computer Programming covers seminumerical algorithms, with topics ranging from random number generators to floating point operations and other optimized arithmetic algorithms. Truly comprehensive and meticulously written, this book (and series) is that rarest of all creatures--a work of authoritative scholarship in classical computer science, but one that can be read and used profitably by virtually all working programmers. The book begins with fundamental questions regarding random numbers and how to use algorithms to generate them. Subsequent chapters demonstrate efficient computation of single-precision and double-precision arithmetic calculations and modular arithmetic. The text then presents prime factorization (which can be used in cryptography, for instance) and algorithms for calculating fractions. This volume ends with algorithms for polynomial arithmetic and manipulation of power-series topics, which will benefit those with some knowledge of calculus. Throughout this beautifully presented edition, Knuth incorporates hundreds of useful exercises for trying out the algorithms. These range from simple problems to larger research project topics. (The book provides answers, where appropriate, at the end of the book.) The result is a text that's suitable for college or graduate-level computer science courses or individual study by programmers. Volume 2 is an indispensable part of any working programmer's library.
2021-08-26 13:03:35 63.62MB D.E.Knuth 英文原版 epub
大师 高德纳 (Donald E.Knuth)《具体数学:计算机科学基础(第 2版)》是一本在大学中广泛使用的经典数学教科书。书中讲解了许多计算机科学中用到的数学知识及技巧,教你如何把一个实际问题一步步演化为数学模型,然后通过计算机解决它,特别着墨于算法分析方面。其主要内容涉及和式、整值函数、数论、二项式系数、特殊的数、生成函数、离散概率、渐近式等,都是编程所必 备的知识。另外,《具体数学:计算机科学基础(第 2版)》包括了六大类500 多道习题,并给出了所有习题的解答,有助读者加深书中内容的理解。
2021-06-01 10:33:13 79.73MB 具体数学 高德纳 (Donald E.Knuth)
2020-01-18 03:35:27 160.86MB 算法 程序设计 艺术 高德纳