基于C#的压缩与解压缩 源码 可以针对文件进行压缩与解压缩 可以针对目录下的进行压缩与解压缩
2022-04-06 00:42:48 176KB 压缩 解压缩 C#源码
使用ZLIB库 包装的压缩解压缩文件的源码 VS2005 工程创建 /* */ class ZIPWRAP_EXP CZipper { public: CZipper(); virtual ~CZipper(); // simple interface static bool ZipFile(const char* szFilePath); // saves as same name with .zip static bool ZipFolder(const char* szFilePath, bool ignoreself = false); // saves as same name with .zip bool AddFolderToZipFile(const char*foldername, const char* rootfolder); bool AddFileToZipFile(const char*filename, const char*relfolder = NULL, const char* comment = NULL); bool AddFolderOnlyPathToFile(const char* foldername, const char* comment = NULL); bool OpenZipFile(const char* zipfilename, bool append = false); bool CloseZipFile(const char* global_comment = NULL); private: void* zipfile_;/* = NULL */ }; /* */ #define MAX_COMMENT (255) /* tm_unz contain date/time info */ typedef struct UZ_s { unsigned int tm_sec; /* seconds after the minute - [0,59] */ unsigned int tm_min; /* minutes after the hour - [0,59] */ unsigned int tm_hour; /* hours since midnight - [0,23] */ unsigned int tm_mday; /* day of the month - [1,31] */ unsigned int tm_mon; /* months since January - [0,11] */ unsigned int tm_year; /* years - [1980..2044] */ } UZ_s; // create our own fileinfo struct to hide the underlying implementation struct UZ_FileInfo { char szFileName[260 + 1]; char szComment[255 + 1]; unsigned long dwVersion; unsigned long dwVersionNeeded; unsigned long dwFlags; unsigned long dwCompressionMethod; unsigned long dwDosDate; unsigned long dwCRC; unsigned long dwCompressedSize; unsigned long dwUncompressedSize; unsigned long dwInternalAttrib; unsigned long dwExternalAttrib; bool bFolder; UZ_s tmu_date; }; class ZIPWRAP_EXP CUnZipper { public: CUnZipper(); virtual ~CUnZipper(); // simple interface static bool UnZip( const char* filename, const char* dstfolder, bool ingorepath = false, const char* password = NULL); bool OpenUnZipFile(const char* filename); bool CloseUnZipFile(); bool UnZipTo( const char* dstfolder, bool ingorepath = false, const char* password = NULL); int GetFileCount(); bool GotoFirstFile(); bool GotoNextFile(); bool GotoZipFile(int index); bool GotoZipFile(const char* zipfilename); bool GetCurrentFileInfo(UZ_FileInfo&fileinfo;); bool UnCurrentZipFile(const char* dstfolder, bool ingorepath = false, const char* password = NULL); bool UnOneZipFile(const char* filename, const char* dstfolder, bool ingorepath = false, const char* password = NULL); bool UnOneZipFile(int index, const char* dstfolder, bool ingorepath = false, const char* password = NULL); private: void* unzipfile_; };
2022-02-28 20:32:23 196KB ZIP 压缩 解压缩 源码
2021-12-08 13:37:50 912KB C# SharpZipLib 压缩
java实现压缩与解压缩源码,demo 分享。 java实现压缩与解压缩源码。 java实现压缩与解压缩源码 java
2021-10-20 19:40:31 116KB java 压缩文件 文件压缩 解压缩源码
源码 一、源码描述 牛牛看小说系统文件解压缩工具源码 二、功能介绍 根据下载的压缩包内容,自行解压,替换压缩包内容关键字后重新打包成新文件夹 三、注意事项 开发工具:VS2015 开发语言:C#
2021-09-14 11:03:25 154KB 牛牛看小说 解压缩 C# VS2015
MyZip 解压缩源码
2021-06-03 14:02:00 55KB zip
2019-12-21 20:17:08 20KB java