脉冲 视频心率监测器 待办事项:撰写说明和解释 生成可执行文件 / > pyinstaller - - add - data "retinaface/;retinaface" PulseIT . py - - clean / > cd dist / PulseIT / > PulseIT . exe 本地部署 设置 / > git clone https : // github . com / Greg - Tarr / Pulse / > cd Pulse / > pip install - r requirements . txt / > # install torch && torchvision from https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/ Python / > python3 PulseIT . py 网络应用 / > stream
2021-10-23 16:08:26 5.04MB Python
2021-10-17 19:29:14 11.87MB 系统开源
心率监测器 内置Heltect ESP32 V2的心率监测器 使用ESP32 Heltec V2开发板使用用于vscode的platform.io插件构建
2021-08-18 09:12:46 18KB C++
前言: 电路城在之前有网友分享过一个老外的设计,即基于AD8232心电心率图监测测量(链接:https://www.cirmall.com/circuit/2037),该设计主要阐述的是基于AD8232芯片对ECG及其他生物电测量应用的集成信号调理模块。然后在具有运动或远程电极放置产生的噪声的情况下提取、放大及过滤微弱的生物电信号。本设计介绍的是心率监测器转接板模块,能够智能化的将ECG信号模拟信号转换成心率数据。 心率监测器转接板概述: The Heart Rate Monitor Interface (HRMI) is an intelligent peripheral device that converts the ECG signal from Polar ElectroHeart Rate Monitor (HRM) transmitters into easy-to-use heart rate data. It implements a sophisticated algorithm forcomputing an average heart rate even with noisy or intermittent data from the transmitter. The HRMI also providesanalog inputs and a digital input/output utility port to ease integration into custom applications. Features • Multiple interfaces: USB, Logic-level serial and I2CTM • Dual heart rate processing algorithms: averaged and raw • Uses the RMCM01 Polar OEM receiver • Compatible with coded and non-coded Polar transmitters including T31, T31C, T61C and Wearlink:registered: • 32-entry heart rate data history buffer • Four 8-bit ADC inputs • Up to a 5 channel digital input/output utility port • Simple command/response interface • Programmable power-on default operation Applications • Custom exercise equipment • Portable heart rate monitoring devices • Bio-feedback devices • Heart beat aware body-worn electronics 硬件连接示意图: 附件内容截图: 源文出处:https://danjuliodesigns.com/sparkfun/sparkfun.html