天猫工商信息执照ocr识别(网店工商信息图片文字提取)。内有README.md详细教程。 比如: * 1.the number of OCR workers depend on CPU ,recommend: workers = (CPU Cores)/2, you can change OCR workers by "--workers". example: python3 ocr.py --workers 4 * 2.you can put testing images in file called '天猫工商信息执照' anywhere in your computer, but you have to change directory for seaching by "--search_dir". default: python3 ocr.py --search_dir ./ * 3.change Tesseract pre_train model to improve accuracy. recommend : chi_sim_fast default: python3 ocr.py --model chi_sim_fast * 4.if there is no number in the images name,please run using "--sort str"
2021-07-21 15:58:20 39.57MB OCR 工商执照识别 深度学习