摘 要:近年来随着科技的飞速发展,单片机的应用正在不断深入,同时带动传统控制检测技术日益更新。在实时检测和自动控制的单片机应用系统中,单片机往往作为一个核心部件来使用,仅单片机方面知识是不够的,还应根据具体硬件结构软硬件结合,加以完善。十字路口车辆穿梭,行人熙攘,车行车道,人行人道,有条不紊。那么靠什么来实现这井然秩序呢?靠的就是交通信号灯的自动指挥系统。交通信号灯控制方式很多。本系统采用MSC-51系列单片机ATSC51和可编程并行I/O接口芯片8255A为中心器件来设计交通灯控制器,实现了能根据实际车流量通过8051芯片的P1口设置红、绿灯燃亮时间的功能。
关键词:单片机 交通灯 车流量 控制
Abstract:With the development of science and technology in recent years,the application of SCM is deepening in the same time promote more traditional control detection update.In real-time detection and control of the microcomputer application system,the microcontroller is often a core component to use,only SCM knowledge is not enough,also according to the specific combination of hardware,software and hardware structure ,to be improved.Crossroads shuttle vehicles,cars,buses and people walkways,orderly.What rely on to achieve the discipline of the order then? By automatic traffic lights is the chain of command control traffic lights.In this system,MSC-51 Series ATSC51 and programmable parallel I/O interface chip 8255A-centered design of traffic signal controller device to realize the actual traffic volume by 8051 according to the P1 port chip set of red,green time kindle function.
Key words: microcontroller traffic light traffic flow control