There are two approaches to undergraduate and graduate courses in linear statistical models and experimental design in applied statistics. One is a two-term sequence focusing on regression followed by ANOVA/Experimental design. Applied Linear Statistical Models serves that market. It is offered in business, economics, statistics, industrial engineering, public health, medicine, and psychology departments in four-year colleges and universities, and graduate schools. Applied Linear Statistical Models is the leading text in the market. It is noted for its quality and clarity, and its authorship is first-rate. The approach used in the text is an applied one, with an emphasis on understanding of concepts and exposition by means of examples. Sufficient theoretical foundations are provided so that applications of regression analysis can be carried out comfortably. The fourth edition has been updated to keep it current with important new developments in regression analysis.
2024-09-26 22:02:48 9.75MB Statistical Stochastics
数字通信第五版John G. Proakis-张力军译(中文版教材PDF带目录)附加重点章节英文答案
[OpenGL(C++)] - (开源)3D 游戏界的大牛人 John Carmack 终于放出quakeIII(雷神之锤3)的源代码
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新增加的第 4 章会让刚刚接触新型图形处理引擎的读者受益匪浅,这一章的重点是数据级并行,解释了一些虽有不同但正在趋于一致的解决方案,这些方案是由通用处理器中的多
2023-11-02 09:38:48 27.13MB
The book is designed to serve as a text for a first-year graduate-level course for students in electrical engineering. It is also designed to serve as a text for self-study and as a reference book for the practicing engineer involved in the design and analysis of digital communications systems. As to background, we presume that the reader has a thorough understanding of basic calculus and elementary linear systems theory and prior knowledge of probability and stochastic processes.
2023-04-18 16:24:05 25.23MB 教材
Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World 7th Edition by John W. SatzingerSystems Analysis and Design in a Changing World 7th Edition by John W. SatzingerSystems Analysis and Design in a Changing World 7th Edition by John W. Satzinger
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Digital Communications 经典教材 英文版
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2023-02-24 19:43:07 15.12MB 数字通信 通信 John
C#作为微软的旗舰编程语言,深受程序员喜爱,是编写高效应用程序的shouxuan语言。VisualC#2015提供了大量新功能,本书围绕语言的基础知识和这些新功能全面介绍了如何利用VisualStudio2015和.NETFramework4.6编写C#应用程序。本书沿袭深受读者欢迎的StepbyStep风格,通过合理的练习引导读者逐步构建在Windows10上运行的应用程序、访问SQLServer数据库以及开发多线程应用等。 全书共27章,结构清晰,叙述清楚。所有练习均在VisualStudio2015简体中文版上进行过全面演练。无论是刚开始接触面向对象编程的新手,还是打算迁移到C#的C、C++或Java程序员,都可以从本书汲取到新的知识。迅速掌握C#编程技术.
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国外计算机科学教材系列,《数值计算方法》Matlab版 第4版 (John H.Mathews)课件
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