Get Programming with HASKELL

上传者: zxfwinder | 上传时间: 2019-12-21 18:59:00 | 文件大小: 12.58MB | 文件类型: pdf
原版pdf Get Programming with Haskell introduces you to the Haskell language without drowning you in academic jargon and heavy functional programming theory. By working through 43 easy-to-follow lessons, you'll learn Haskell the best possible way—by doing Haskell! Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Programming languages often differ only around the edges—a few keywords, libraries, or platform choices. Haskell gives you an entirely new point of view. To the software pioneer Alan Kay, a change in perspective can be worth 80 IQ points and Haskellers agree on the dramatic bene ts of thinking the Haskell way—thinking functionally, with type safety, mathematical certainty, and more. In this hands-on book, that's exactly what you'll learn to do. About the Book Get Programming with Haskell leads you through short lessons, examples, and exercises designed to make Haskell your own. It has crystal-clear illustrations and guided practice. You will write and test dozens of interesting programs and dive into custom Haskell modules. You will gain a new perspective on programming plus the practical ability to use Haskell in the everyday world. (The 80 IQ points: not guaranteed.) What's Inside Thinking in Haskell Functional programming basics Programming in types Real-world applications for Haskell About the Reader



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