上传者: zhyhlaoda
上传时间: 2021-08-20 17:02:34
文件大小: 1.06MB
文件类型: PDF
FLEX Ethernet协议标准,OIF
ABSTRACT: The Flex Ethernet (FlexE) Implementation Agreement provides a generic
mechanism for supporting a variety of Ethernet MAC rates that may or may not correspond to any
existing Ethernet PHY rate. This includes MAC rates that are both greater than (through bonding)
and less than (through sub-rate and channelization) the Ethernet PHY rates used to carry FlexE.
This can be viewed as a generalization of the Multi-Link Gearbox implementation agreements,
removing the restrictions on the number of bonded PHYs (MLG2.0, for example, supports one or
two 100GBASE-R PHYs) and the constraint that the FlexE clients correspond to Ethernet rates
(MLG2.0 supports only 10G and 40G clients).