Longman English Grammar

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This indispensable guide provides explanations and examples for all the important areas of grammar. #Author:L G.Alexander # Paperback: 374 pages # Publisher: Longman Publishing Group (June 1988),Twentieth impression 2003 # Language: English # ISBN-10: 0582558921 # ISBN-13: 978-0582558922 About Author: Louis Alexander was born in London in 1932 He was educated at Godalming Grammar School and London University He taught English in Germany (1954-56) and Greece (1956-65), where he was Head of the English Department of the Protypon Lykeion, Athens He was adviser to the Deutscher Volkshochschulverband (1968-78) and contributed to the design of two important English examinations in German Adult Education He was a member of the Council of Europe Committee on Modern Language Teaching (1973-78) and is one of the authors of The Threshold Level (1975) and Waystage (1977) These modern syllabuses are the basis of many communicative language courses He is also one of the authors of English Grammatical Structure (1975), a basic syllabus for grading structures for teaching/learning purposes In 1986-88 he was adviser to the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate for the Cambridge Certificate in English for International Communication Louis Alexander is best known as the author of innovative works like First Things First (1967), which set new standards in course-design He has written Courses, such as New Concept English (1967), Look, Listen and Learn (1968-71), Target (1972-74), Mainline (1973-81), Follow Me (1979-80) and Plain English (1987-88) Language Practice Books such as A First Book in Comprehension (1964), Question and Answer (1967) and For and Against (1968) Readers, such as Operation Mastermind (1971), K's First Case (1975), Dangerous Game (1977) and Foul Play (1983) He created the blueprint for the self-study series in modern languages, Survive (1980-83) and has published language courses in the field of computer-assisted language learning The Longman English Grammar is the culmination of more than thirty years' work in English as a foreign language




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