java语言与xml处理教程 英文电子书

上传者: youzhizhu | 上传时间: 2021-10-11 17:20:24 | 文件大小: 1.64MB | 文件类型: -
<> 本书是为要在系统中集成XML的高级Java开发人员编写的。 希望对你有所帮助 主要讲解以下内容: 1 XML 2 SAX 3 DOM 4 JDOM 5 XPath/XSLT 6 附表 -------------------------- 《Addison Wesley - Processing XML with Java》 Publisher : Addison Wesley Pub Date : November 08, 2002 ISBN : 0-201-77186-1 Pages : 1120 Written for Java programmers who want to integrate XML into their systems, this practical, comprehensive guide and reference shows how to process XML documents with the Java programming language. It leads experienced Java developers beyond the basics of XML, allowing them to design sophisticated XML applications and parse complicated documents. Processing XML with Java(TM) provides a brief review of XML fundamentals, including XML syntax; DTDs, schemas, and validity; stylesheets; and the XML protocols XML-RPC, SOAP, and RSS. The core of the book comprises in-depth discussions on the key XML APIs Java programmers must use to create and manipulate XML files with Java. These include the Simple API for XML (SAX), the Document Object Model (DOM), and JDOM (a Java native API). In addition, the book covers many useful supplements to these core APIs, including XPath, XSLT, TrAX, and JAXP. Practical in focus, Processing XML with Java(TM)is filled with over two hundred examples that demonstrate how to accomplish various important tasks related to file formats, data exchange, document transformation, and database integration. You will learn how to read and write XML documents with Java code, convert legacy flat files into XML documents, communicate with network servers that send and receive XML data, and much more. Readers will find detailed coverage of the following: * How to choose the right API for the job * Reading documents with SAX * SAX filters * Validation in several schema languages * DOM implementations for Java * The DOM Traversal Module * Output from DOM * Reading and



  • huangxiaoju2804 :
  • gengruichang :
  • firstephen :
  • xzq7671418 :
    不错 的,但是我英文不怎么样。
  • bailiju :


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