
上传者: yingt2028 | 上传时间: 2022-01-01 09:48:38 | 文件大小: 273KB | 文件类型: -
Configuration. Most configuration options are inherited from Ext.Window (see ExtJs docs). The added ones are: url - the url where to post uploaded files. base_params - additional post params (default to {}). permitted_extensions - array of file extensions which are permitted to upload (default to []). reset_on_hide - whether to reset upload queue on dialog hide or not (default true). allow_close_on_upload - whether to allow hide/close dialog during upload process (default false). upload_autostart - whether to start upload automaticaly when file added or not (default false). post_var_name - uploaded data POST variable name (defaults to 'file'). Events. filetest - fires before file is added into the queue, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog filename - file name If handler returns false then file will not be queued. fileadd - fires when file is added into the queue, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog filename - file name fileremove - fires when file is removed from the queue, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog filename - file name record - file record resetqueue - fires when upload queue is resetted, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog beforefileuploadstart - fires when file as about to start uploading: dialog - reference to dialog filename - uploaded file name record - file record If handler returns false then file upload will be canceled. fileuploadstart - fires when file has started uploading: dialog - reference to dialog filename - uploaded file name record - file record uploadsuccess - fires when file is successfuly uploaded, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog filename - uploaded file name data - js-object builded from json-data returned from upload handler response. record - file record uploaderror - fires when file upload error occured, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog filename - uploaded file name data - js-object builded from json-data returned from upload handler response. record - file record uploadfailed - fires when file upload failed, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog filename - failed file name record - file record uploadcanceled - fires when file upload canceled, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog filename - failed file name record - file record uploadstart - fires when upload process starts, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog uploadstop - fires when upload process stops, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog uploadcomplete - fires when upload process complete (no files to upload left), parameters: dialog - reference to dialog Public methods Better go see the source. I18n. The class is ready for i18n, override the Ext.ux.UploadDialog.Dialog.prototype.i18n object with your language strings, or just pass i18n object in config. Server side handler. The files in the queue are posted one at a time, the file field name is 'file'. The handler should return json encoded object with following properties:



  • lovemesk :
  • fang19901012 :
    例子比较多 大多是2.0版本的 不过还不错
  • t_332741160 :
  • qq13658067608 :
  • jian74566 :


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