URP Debug Views 1.0.4.zip

上传者: yaokang522 | 上传时间: 2021-07-23 17:01:40 | 文件大小: 3.93MB | 文件类型: ZIP
Do you wish you had debug views in LWRP / URP? Do you wish it was easy to add custom debug views? That it was accessible in game view and in builds? URP Debug Views - A unique plugin that adds debug views support for LWRP / URP and more! TLDR URP Debug Views adds must have features for anyone that uses LWRP / URP: - most of the debug views from the built-in renderer (including Shaded Wireframe!) - works in scene view, game view and in builds - add your own debug view with a single shader Available debug views - Shaded Wireframe - World normals - World tangents - Shadow cascades - Overdraw - Vertex color R - Vertex color G - Vertex color B - Vertex color RGB - Vertex color A - UV0 Checker - UV1 Checker Available everywhere Debug views work in scene view, game view but also in builds. It has been tested on various PCs, Mac, Android and VR. Custom Adding custom debug views is very easy, a single shader is enough! You can then plug the newly created debug view in an editor menu, shortcuts or a custom in-game menu. Time saver Being able to check problems and iterate on them quickly is very important, especially if you are an indie game developper. "Why is this vertex color not working? Is the problem coming from the mesh, Unity or the shader?" "What is this visual bug, is it coming from the geometry or the textures?" Any of theses questions and many more can be answered in one click by using the correct view. Without any debug view, it can take 10 minutes, an hour, or more. Less time fixing problems means more time working on your game. Your time is important, value it! Full source code included! Support I'm dedicated to make this asset a must-have for LWRP / URP. I answer to email and do my best to fix bugs and implement feature request. Please don't hesitate to contact me for feedback, ideas or bug report at ph.graphics.unity@gmail.com You can also come and chat on Discord at https://discord.gg/ksURBah If you are not convinced yet, you can look at reviews for



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