Understanding LTE with MATLAB

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wily 2014 年新书 Understanding LTE with MATLAB Contents Preface xiii List of Abbreviations xvii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Quick Overview of Wireless Standards 1 1.2 Historical Profile of Data Rates 4 1.3 IMT-Advanced Requirements 4 1.4 3GPP and LTE Standardization 5 1.5 LTE Requirements 5 1.6 Theoretical Strategies 6 1.7 LTE-Enabling Technologies 7 1.7.1 OFDM 7 1.7.2 SC-FDM 8 1.7.3 MIMO 8 1.7.4 Turbo Channel Coding 8 1.7.5 Link Adaptation 9 1.8 LTE Physical Layer (PHY) Modeling 9 1.9 LTE (Releases 8 and 9) 11 1.10 LTE-Advanced (Release 10) 11 1.11 MATLAB?and Wireless System Design 11 1.12 Organization of This Book 11 References 12 2 Overview of the LTE Physical Layer 13 2.1 Air Interface 13 2.2 Frequency Bands 14 2.3 Unicast and Multicast Services 14 2.4 Allocation of Bandwidth 16 2.5 Time Framing 17 2.6 Time朏requency Representation 17 2.7 OFDM Multicarrier Transmission 20 2.7.1 Cyclic Prefix 21 2.7.2 Subcarrier Spacing 22 vi Contents 2.7.3 Resource Block Size 22 2.7.4 Frequency-Domain Scheduling 22 2.7.5 Typical Receiver Operations 23 2.8 Single-Carrier Frequency Division Multiplexing 23 2.9 Resource Grid Content 24 2.10 Physical Channels 25 2.10.1 Downlink Physical Channels 26 2.10.2 Function of Downlink Channels 27 2.10.3 Uplink Physical Channels 30 2.10.4 Function of Uplink Channels 30 2.11 Physical Signals 31 2.11.1 Reference Signals 31 2.11.2 Synchronization Signals 33 2.12 Downlink Frame Structures 34 2.13 Uplink Frame Structures 35 2.14 MIMO 35 2.14.1 Receive Diversity 36 2.14.2 Transmit Diversity 37 2.14.3 Spatial Multiplexing 38 2.14.4 Beam Forming 39 2.14.5 Cyclic Delay Diversity 40 2.15 MIMO Modes 40 2.16 PHY Processing 41 2.17 Downlink Processing 41 2.18 Uplink Processing 43 2.18.1 SC-FDM 44 2.18.2 MU-MIMO 44 2.19 Chapter Summary 45 References 46 3 MATLAB?for Communications System Design 47 3.1 System Development Workflow 47 3.2 Challenges and Capabilities 48 3.3 Focus 49 3.4 Approach 49 3.5 PHY Models in MATLAB 49 3.6 MATLAB 49 3.7 MATLAB Toolboxes 50 3.8 Sim



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  • 控制器开发 :
  • jydess :
  • lfong000 :
  • sevensu1984 :
    LTE 链路层仿真必备参考书。通过对MATLAB案例的学习,结合协议深入理解LTE
  • 梦22 :
    很不错 值得学习


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