OpenStack Essentials (2nd Edition)

上传者: xuanguang001 | 上传时间: 2020-01-03 11:42:58 | 文件大小: 3.73MB | 文件类型: pdf
数字版,有目录。 Key Features Navigate through the complex jungle of components in OpenStack using practical instructions This book helps administrators, cloud engineers, and even developers to consolidate and control pools of compute, networking, and storage resources Learn to use the centralized dashboard and administration panel to monitor large-scale deployments Book Description OpenStack is a widely popular platform for cloud computing. Applications that are built for this platform are resilient to failure and convenient to scale. This book, an update to our extremely popular OpenStack Essentials (published in May 2015) will help you master not only the essential bits, but will also examine the new features of the latest OpenStack release - Mitaka; showcasing how to put them to work straight away. This book begins with the installation and demonstration of the architecture. This book will tech you the core 8 topics of OpenStack. They are Keystone for Identity Management, Glance for Image management, Neutron for network management, Nova for instance management, Cinder for Block storage, Swift for Object storage, Ceilometer for Telemetry and Heat for Orchestration. Further more you will learn about launching and configuring Docker containers and also about scaling them horizontally. You will also learn about monitoring and Troubleshooting OpenStack. What you will learn Brush up on the latest release, and how it affects the various components Install OpenStack using the Packstack and RDO Manager installation tool Learn to convert a computer node that supports Docker containers Implement Ceph Block Device images with OpenStack Create and allocate virtual networks, routers and IP addresses to OpenStack Tenants. Configuring and Launching a Docker container. About the Author Dan Radez joined the OpenStack community in 2012 in an operator role. His experience is focused on installing, maintaining, and integrating OpenStack clusters.




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