Xamarin in Action.pdf.zip

上传者: xiuyanger | 上传时间: 2021-04-30 10:02:29 | 文件大小: 10.42MB | 文件类型: ZIP
This book has involved a huge amount of work over the past year and a bit. But in spite of the countless hours I put in, it would never have happened without a lot of hard work from some amazing people. This book isn’t the creation of a great writer; instead, it’s the result of an enthusiastic developer standing on the shoulders of giants, and it is these giants to whom I owe a huge amount of thanks. First, I’d like to thank the team at Xamarin for creating a product that has excited me beyond any technology that I've worked with before—especially Miguel de Icaza, Nat Friedman, and Joseph Hill for founding such an awesome company to create an awesome product; James Montemagno for kick-starting my involvement with the Xam- arin community by inspiring me to write and speak; Jayme Singleton for her great work building the Xamarin community and supporting all its members; and Mikayla Hutchinson for always being happy to help no matter what dumb questions I ask her. On the community side, I’d like to thank the Xamarin MVP community, past and present, for welcoming me to the fold, being on hand to answer questions, and sup- porting my writing, with special thanks to Dave Evans for giving me my first chance to speak at a meetup—a defining moment in my community involvement. Part of what has made this book so easy to write is the amazing framework that is MvvmCross, so I’d like to also thank the MvvmCross team for their hard work and support, especially Martijn van Dijk. This book wouldn’t have been one-tenth as good as it is without the constant sup- port, feedback, and teaching of my development editor at Manning Publications, Ele- sha Hyde. The techniques you’ve taught me have made me a better communicator, writer, and mentor, and I’ve been incredibly appreciative of your guidance every time there was a bump in the road. I hope I’ve done you proud.



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