DevPartner Studio Professional Edition 11.4.0

上传者: xiquanxyz | 上传时间: 2024-08-09 10:59:37 | 文件大小: 233.26MB | 文件类型: RAR
DevPartner Studio Professional Edition Release 11.4.0 , 含有静态代码分析、错误检测、性能、覆盖率和内存分析以及性能专家功能。 Visual Studio支持范围: Visual Studio 2005 SP1 ---- Visual Studio 2017 update 15.4。 windows支持范围: Server 2012 R2,基礎版; Windows 8.0,8.1; Server 2003 R2 SP2; Windows XP 專業版 SP3; Server 2008 SP2; Windows Vista SP2; Server 2008 R2,基礎版,SP1; Windows 7,基礎版,SP1; Windows 10(2017 年秋季)創作者更新。 DevPartner Studio Professional Edition is a suite of tightly integrated development features. DevPartner Studio incorporates code reviewing, error detection, two kinds of performance analysis, coverage analysis, and a memory analysis feature all integrated into Visual Studio. DevPartner Studio helps developers detect, diagnose, and resolve software bugs, maximize code performance, and ensure optimal code coverage and testing. 功能关键词:CodeReview;BoundsChecker;TrueCoverage;TrueTime; 新特性: 【New in Release 11.4】 Full Support for Windows 10.0 Fall Creators Update The product suite fully supports Windows 10.0 Fall Creators Update Full Support for Visual Studio 2017 update 15.4 DevPartner Studio 11.4 provides full Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 support. This includes full support the analysis of applications developed using Microsoft Visual Studio, and full integration into the Visual Studio 2017 IDE. Analyze, detect errors and perform static code reviews in existing supported project types and new Visual Studio 2017 project types. ================================== 用WinRAR 5.70 压缩的exe安装程序,建议用WinRAR 5.70及以上版本解压。 亲测在win7 x64 + vs2008sp1, win7 x64 + vs2015的环境下都可用。 此压缩包中只有安装本体程序 dpspe110400.exe。 ======= DevPartner License Manager 11.4.0 (x86 + x64): DevPartner Studio Professional Edition 11.4.0_官方文档:



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