学生成绩信息管理系统论文 JSP 完整版

上传者: wzflovezhf | 上传时间: 2021-09-17 20:44:43 | 文件大小: 2.64MB | 文件类型: DOC
摘要 目前,学校工作繁杂、资料重多,管理信息系统已进入高校,但还未普及,而对于学生成绩管理来说,还没有一套完整的、统一的系统。因此,开发一套适和大众的、兼容性好的系统是很有必要的。根据开发要求,它主要应用于教育系统,完成对日常学生成绩的录入查询更新删除等管理操作,实现学生成绩管理的计算机化。开发学生成绩管理系统可使学院教职员工减轻工作压力,比较系统地对教务、教学上的各项服务和信息进行管理,同时,可以减少劳动力的使用,加快查询速度、加强管理。本论文叙述了现在高校学生成绩管理的现状以及JAVA语言和一些开源框架的概况。重点介绍了学生成绩管理系统的实现过程:包括系统分析、 系统调查、 数据库设计、功能设计、系统物理配置方案、 系统实现、系统测试以及系统功能简介。 关键词:JSP,J2EE,学生成绩维护系统,MySQL,Hibernate,Struts Abstract:At present, the school work is numerous and diverse, material is heavy, the management information system enters into the university, but does not popular, but regarding the student achievement management, does not have a set completely and unification system. Therefore, develops a set suitable,populace and compatible good system is very necessary. According to the development request, it mainly applies in the educational system, completes to daily student achievement maintenance operations and so on input inquiry renewal deletion, realizes student achievement maintenance computerizing. Developing the student achievement maintenance system can let the institute teaching and administrative staff to reduce the working pressure, compare with systematically to the educational administration, teaching each service and the information carries on the management, simultaneously, can reduce the labor force which is used, speed up the inquiry speed, strengthen the management. The paper narrated the present university’s study result management in the present situation and the JAVA language and some opens the source frame of the survey. Introduced the realizes process of the student achievement management system: Including the system analysis、the system investigation、the database design、the functional design、the system physics disposition plan、the system realize、the system test and the System Introduction. Key words: JSP, J2EE, Student performance management system, MySQL, Hibernate, Struts 一、绪论 1.1 项目开发背景 一直以来学生的成绩管理是学校工作中的一项重要内容,我国的大中专院校的学生成绩管理水平普遍不高。随着办学规模的扩大和招生人数的增加



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  • zhangweichao0914 :
    没有代码,论文写的还可以, 实用性一般
  • james5960 :
  • u012390274 :
  • lznapril :


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