上传者: wtzmax
上传时间: 2024-06-06 14:27:26
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Research on Issues of Translation Selection for Phrase and Structure in Statistical Machine Translation_hezhongjun_phd thesis 2008.pdf
Research on domain adaptation in Statistical Machine Translation_caojie_master thesis 2010.pdf
Research on Statistical Machine Translation Based on Bracketing Transduction Grammar and Dependency Grammar_xiongdeyi_phd thesis 2007.pdf
Research on Implementation Technology of Large-scale Statistical Language Model_huangyun_master thesis 2008.pdf
The Research and System Implementation of Automatic Acquisition of Large-scale Bilingual Parallel Corpus from Web_yeshanni_master thesis 2008.pdf
Research on Fault-tolerant Statistical Machine Translation_mihaitao_phd thesis 2009.pdf
Research on Tree-to-String Statistical Translation Models_liuyang_phd thesis 2007.pdf
Automatic Extraction and Application of Multiword Expression Translation Pairs_renzhixiang_master thesis 2009.pdf
Research on Some Issues of Large-scale Data Precessing in Statistical Machine Translation_luoweihua_PhD thesis 2010.pdf