
上传者: wlbxcj | 上传时间: 2021-04-15 14:03:32 | 文件大小: 244.81MB | 文件类型: RAR
Updated Pack to STM32Cube_FW_F4 Firmware Package version V1.25.1 using HAL Drivers V1.7.9. STM32CubeMX integration (Version 6.0.1): Added support for Timebase Source TIMx (FrameworkCubeMX_gpdsc.ftl). Removed non-existent include path. CMSIS Flash Algorithm: Corrected STM32F42xxx_43xxx_OPT Algorithm. CMSIS SVD: Updated STM32F42*.svd, STM32F43*.svd files. CMSIS-Driver: I2C: Corrected 2 byte reception in master mode. MCI: Replaced empty delay loops with _NOP(). SPI: Corrected PowerControl function (to return error if Initialize was not called, to abort active transfer if power off was requested). Updated GetDataCount function to give accurate count in DMA mode. Corrected Control function (abort in DMA mode, software controlled slave select in slave mode, TI Frame Format selection, ignore bus speed for slave mode). Corrected Uninitialize function (to power off the peripheral if it is powered). Corrected SPI3_SCK pin configuration. Corrected DMA MemDataAlignment configuration. USART: Corrected DMA MemDataAlignment configuration. USBD_HS/USBH_HS: OTG_HS ULPI clock disabled in low power if internal PHY is used to enable proper operation of OTG_HS port in FS mode during CPU sleep. CAN/EMAC/USBD/USBH: Removed macros already provided by cmsis_compiler.h. Updated Boards Examples: Migrated CubeMX projects to V6.0.1 and updated config files. Changed variant selection to "MDK-Plus" where possible. Updated all USB Host/Device examples with user templates from MDK-Middleware v7.11.1. Terminating app_main thread with osThreadExit() to avoid endless loop Updated MS Windows UBS driver files.



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