上传者: windstand
上传时间: 2019-12-21 21:54:29
文件大小: 9.08MB
文件类型: pdf
I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book, “Python
Programming For Beginners: Learn The Basics Of Python In 7 Days!”
This book will help you to understand the basics of python in just 7 days.
Code is the language of the future. And the time to learn the ins and outs of coding is
now, unless of course you want to be left behind from the biggest revolution that
mankind will witness.
So what does it take to be one of those who the masses will rely on to create products,
change them and do a lot more
programming languages because
programming language.
with technology?
every electronic
Well, the secret
device runs on
is in learning
some sort of
The question then becomes; so which programming language should you at least
prioritize to learn given that there are so many programming languages?
Well, if for whatever reason, you have been looking to learn programming or perhaps
looking to improve your programming skills, Python programming language could be
the best option you can get right now. It makes everything so easy! From the rich and
well-designed standard library and built-ins to the availability of modules and
numerous third-party open source libraries, very few programming languages can beat