Apress Learn C++ for Game Development (2014).pdf

上传者: 53160186 | 上传时间: 2021-03-20 21:01:38 | 文件大小: 2.35MB | 文件类型: PDF
The C++ programming language remains the de facto language for many game development studios around the world. This is true because C++ provides a convenient, low-level programming language that allows developers to straddle the line between high-level software engineering and low-level coding to the metal. This makes it the language of choice for many high-performance and real-time computer programming projects. C++ is a language in active development. Many of the examples in this book use features that were ratified and released in the C++11 standard. Some of the features used are not yet supported by one of the major compiler vendors. This active and progressive language development is a major reason for C++ remaining a widely used and relevant language. The fact that it's the only way to write portable, in-house code across all of the types of computers and processors you find today makes learning C++ a handy skill to have. Devices that support C++ range from mobile phones, game consoles, ATMs, smart watches, to even glasses! C++ programmers will never be short of work. I hope you find this book an invaluable resource in your journey to learning the C++ programming language.




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