OCP Java SE 8 Programmer II Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-809)

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OCP Java SE 8 Programmer II Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-809) By 作者: Kathy Sierra – Bert Bates – Elisabeth Robson ISBN-10 书号: 1260117383 ISBN-13 书号: 9781260117387 Edition 版本: 7 出版日期: 2018-05-14 pages 页数: 1487 A Complete, Integrated Study System for OCP Exam 1Z0-809 Study for the OCP Java SE 8 Programmer II exam using this effective exam preparation guide from Oracle Press. Written by a team of experts, including two developers of the original exam, OCP Java SE 8 Programmer II Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-809) offers comprehensive coverage of every subject on the test and lays out essential Java programming skills. Throughout, step-by-step exercises; self-tests; and тАЬExam Watch,тАЭ тАЬInside the Exam,тАЭ and тАЬOn the JobтАЭ sections highlight salient points and aid in learning. In all, the book and accompanying digital content feature more than 350 practice questions that mirror those on the live test in tone, format, and content. Clearly explains every topic on Exam 1Z0-809, including: Declarations, access control, and enums Object orientation Assertions and exceptions Dates, times, locales, and resource bundles I/O and NIO Generics and collections Inner classes Lambda expressions and functional interfaces Streams Threads Concurrency



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