Core Java Volume I Fundamentals, 11th Edition

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Core Java Volume I–Fundamentals, 1 (11th Edition) By 作者: Cay S. Horstmann ISBN-10 书号: 0135166306 ISBN-13 书号: 9780135166307 Edition 版本: 11 出版日期: 2018-09-06 pages 页数: 928 The #1 Java Guide for Serious Programmers: Fully Updated for Java SE 9, 10 & 11 For serious programmers, Core Java, Volume I—Fundamentals, Eleventh Edition, is the definitive guide to writing robust, maintainable code. Whether you’re using Java SE 9, 10, or 11, it will help you achieve a deep and practical understanding of the language and API, and its hundreds of realistic examples reveal the most powerful and effective ways to get the job done. Cay Horstmann’s updated examples reflect Java’s long-awaited modularization, showing how to write code that’s easier to manage and evolve. You’ll learn how to use JShell’s new Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) for more rapid and exploratory development, and apply key improvements to the Process API, contended locking, logging, and compilation. In this first of two volumes, Horstmann offers in-depth coverage of fundamental Java and UI programming, including objects, generics, collections, lambda expressions, Swing design, concurrency, and functional programming. If you’re an experienced programmer moving to Java SE 9, 10, or 11, there’s no better source for expert insight, solutions, and code. Master foundational techniques, idioms, and best practices for writing superior Java code Leverage the power of interfaces, lambda expressions, and inner classes Harden programs through effective exception handling and debugging Write safer, more reusable code with generic programming Improve performance and efficiency with Java’s standard collections Build cross-platform GUIs with the Swing toolkit Fully utilize multicore processors with Java’s improved concurrency



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    en ,是 PDF 版的。 好评~


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