NAG Fortran Libraries

上传者: 43662117 | 上传时间: 2021-05-25 11:37:15 | 文件大小: 8.97MB | 文件类型: RAR
NAG Fortran Libraries Release year : 1997 (MARK 18) Developer : Numerical Algorithms Group Vista compatibility : complete System requirements : Any Fortran compiler Interface language : English only Tabletka : Not required Description : The largest collection of numerical algorithms that are commercially available Generated by experts from the NAG Fortran Library has a worldwide reputation, and, with over 1,600 fully documented and proven source codes, it is the largest collection of mathematical and statistical algorithms available. Library Content The key numerical and statistical abilities of the FORTRAN Library are listed below. Numerical * Optimization, and Local and Global * Linear, quadratic, integer and nonlinear programming and the least squares problem * Ordinary and partial differential equations * Solving dense, connected and rare linear equations and eigenvalue problems * Solving linear and nonlinear least squares problems * Interpolation curve and surfactant * Special functions * Numerical integration and integral equations * roots of nonlinear equations (including polynomials) * Wavelet transform Cm statistically * Generate random numbers * Simple calculations of statistical data * Analysis of correlation and regression * Multidimensional methods * Variance analysis * Analysis of the time series * Non-parametric statistics SOURCES OF EXAMPLES here:



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