Computers as Components_ Principles of Embedded Computing System Design. 4th

上传者: 41853496 | 上传时间: 2021-03-14 21:50:30 | 文件大小: 52.57MB | 文件类型: PDF
Preparing this fourth edition of Computers as Components makes me realize just how old I am. I put together the final draft of the first edition in late 1999. Since that time, embedded computing has evolved considerably. But the core principles remain. I have made changes throughout the book: fixing problems, improving presentations, in some cases reordering material to improve the flow of ideas, and deleting a few small items. Hopefully these changes improve the book. The two biggest changes are the addition of a chapter on the Internet-of-Things (IoT) and coverage of safety and security throughout the book. IoT has emerged as an important topic since the third edition was published but it builds on existing technologies and themes. The new IoT chapter reviews several wireless networks used in IoT applications. It also gives some models for the organization of IoT systems. Safety and security have long been important to embedded computing—the first edition of this book discussed medical device safety—but a series of incidents have highlighted the critical nature of this topic. In previous editions, advanced topics were covered in Chapter 8, which covered both multiprocessor systems-on-chips and networked embedded systems. This material has been expanded and separated into three chapters: the IoT chapter (Chapter 8) covers the material on OSI and Internet protocols as well as IoT-specific topics; a chapter on automobiles and airplanes (Chapter 9) explores networked embedded systems in the context of vehicles as well as covering several examples in safety and security; and the embedded multiprocessor chapter (Chapter 10) covers multiprocessor systems-on-chips and their applications. As always, overheads are available on the book Website at Some pointers to outside Web material are also on that Website, but my new blog,, provides a stream of posts on topics of interest to embedded computing people. I would li




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