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Google官方博客介绍了Android Scripting Environment(ASE、SL4A),将脚本语言带入Android,允许用户编辑和执行脚本,直接在Android设备上运行交互式解释器。脚本将能大幅度简化任务界面,用户能在交互式终端中使用脚本。ASE目前支持Python,Lua和 BeanShell,未来将加入对Ruby和JavaScript的支持。示例代码require "android"android.startSensing()android.sleep(1) --Give the sensors a moment to come online.silent = falsewhile true do s = android.readSensors() facedown = s.result and s.result.zforce and s.result.zforce > 9 if facedown and not silent then android.vibrate() --A short vibration to indicate we are in silent mode. android.setRingerSilent(true) silent = true elseif not facedown and silent then android.setRingerSilent(false) silent = false end android.sleep(1)end