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function [p,t]=distmesh2d
This meshing function produces the following outputs:
• The node positions p. This N-by-2 array contains the x, y coordinates for
each of the N nodes.
• The triangle indices t. The row associated with each triangle has 3 integer
entries to specify node numbers in that triangle.
The input arguments are as follows:
• The geometry is given as a distance function fd. This function returns the
signed distance from each node location p to the closest boundary.
• The desired edge length function h is given as a function fh,
which returns h for all input points.
• The parameter h0 is the distance between points in the initial distribution
p0. For uniform meshes = constant), the element size in the final
mesh will usually be a little larger than this input.
• The bounding box for the region is an array bbox=[xmin, ymin; xmax, ymax].
• The fixed node positions are given as an array pfix with two columns.
• Additional parameters to the functions fd and fh can be given in the last arguments
varargin .




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