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replyreload = ',' 51632;====在这个帖子中的内容,我六月份曾在 cinc 2009 上发表,在过几个月这篇文章就会被 EI Compendex, Istp and Inspec检索了.嘿嘿.文章介绍如下.其实就是这个帖子中的内容..OO-=======================
那篇 paper :
A New Validity Function for Fuzzy Clustering
Wuhan, China June 06-June 07
Yang Li
Fusheng Yu
DOI Bookmark:http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/CINC.2009.100
This paper first gives a new validity function for fuzzy clustering, then presents a method of the optimal selecting of the cluster number in the standard fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm, and finally outlines the fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm with parameters self-adapted. Experimental results carried on synthetic data set and data set based on actual background illustrate the performance of the new validity function and the corresponding fuzzy clustering algorithm.
Index Terms: Fuzzy C-Means; fuzzy clustering analysis; cluster number; clustering validity function
Citation: Yang Li, Fusheng Yu, "A New Validity Function for Fuzzy Clustering," cinc, vol. 1, pp.462-465, 2009 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing, 2009
Abstract:This paper gives a method of the optimal choice for fuzzy weighting exponent m and the numbers c. Then the Fuzzy c-Means clustering algorithm with parameters self-adepted is presented in this paper. At last expermental results with artificial data and data based on actual background illustrates the effectiveness of the algorithm.
Keywords:FCM,fuzzy clustering analysis,cluster number,fuzzy weighting exponent,self-adepting
第一章 引论及FCM算法介绍 - 4 -
1.1 简介聚类分析 - 4 -
1.2 FCM算法介绍 - 4 -
1.2.1 普通(硬)-C均值聚类算法 - 4 -
1.2.2 模糊(软)-C均值聚类算法 - 5 -
1.3 聚类数c的研究 - 7 -
1.4 加权指数m的研究及m对FCM算法的影响 - 8 -
第二章 FCM参数的优选自适应方法 - 9 -
2.1 引言 - 9 -
2.2 聚类数c的自适应方法 - 10 -
2.3 加权指数m的优选方法 - 12 -
2.3.1 划分模糊度 - 12 -
2.3.2 FCM中参数m的优选 - 14 -
第三章 FCM参数自适应算法的实例应用 - 15 -
附录 - 19 -
参考文献 - 24 -