
上传者: 38742927 | 上传时间: 2021-06-28 16:18:17 | 文件大小: 139KB | 文件类型: CRX
在Amazon上按图搜索商品 Search goods by image on Amazon This extension for search similar products on Amazon.com by image. Working for: Amazon.com Amazon.com.br Amazon.cn Amazon.in Amazon.co.jp Amazon.com.sg Amazon.com.tr Amazon.ae Amazon.fr Amazon.de Amazon.it Amazon.nl Amazon.es Amazon.co.uk Amazon.ca Amazon.com.mx Amazon.com.au It happened that you liked a product or a picture, and you wanted to buy it, but you didn’t know how to find it? Now the problem is solved! Just two right-click mouse - and you can easily find a variety of products with prices for your picture on Amazon! For your comfort, we have removed the elements blocking access to images on Amazon. For example, on the product page, when the image is zoomed. You can search by an any image in internet, not only from store or item page. We conducted a study of similar tools and can confidently say that this extension shows the best results. Does the seller discount? Fine! You will see this on the results page! Do you do dropshipping? Fine! On the search results page, you can see the price and choose the cheapest option! Try searching for branded items. We know that Amazon is full of copies of different brands and sellers. Now you can do even more orders. We tried to make a great helper for your shopping! We also want to point out that by installing the extension, you allow developers to receive a cashback from your purchases as a reward for using the extension. Important information! We are not related with these extensions, but our extension excellent support work with them, without bugs: Night mode for Aliexpress com English GoNimble - AliExpress Product Research Tool AliDesk AliExpress MyParcels Service Extension Ebay DropShipping : order from Aliexpress Huntt Aliexpress - Aliexpress price tracking AliExpress Coupon Helper Aliexpress Seller Check Aliexpress Dropshipping Assistant - Advance Globo AliExpress Reviews Import reviews from Aliexpress and Amazon AliExpress Search By Image AliExpress Image Search - Al




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