口袋式示波器BNC 适配器板(原理图、操作手册、视频课程讲解)-电路方案

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口袋式示波器 BNC 适配器板概述: 该设计分享的是Digilent同轴适配器板(BNC Adapter Board),该BNC 适配器是一个简单的插件板,主要与Digilent Analog Discovery 2配合使用,您可以使用标准BNC测试终端接口与袖珍示波器探头联合使用。该BNC适配器板分别提供两个示波器通道,交流耦合和直流耦合。 口袋式示波器 BNC 适配器板实物展示: 同时附件内容“相关文件”分享了口袋式示波器 BNC 适配器板课程,课程大概内容如下: 课程主要介绍如何快速起步上手使用Analog Discovery这款可支持LabVIEW的口袋式虚拟仪器产品。包括如何借助WaveForm软件来配置AD,以及如何利用AD各类强大的口袋仪器功能来构建和测试模拟数字电路。 口袋式示波器 BNC 适配器板更多介绍如下: Each channel of the oscilloscope can be selected as AC or DC, coupled by adjusting the jumper that is located behind that channel’s BNC input connector. In addition, the two AWG channels are equipped with BNC terminations, and each channel can have either the 50-ohm or the 0-ohm termination selected. This enables the user to match the Analog Discovery’s output impedance with standard 50-ohm test leads or to be directly tied to the lead. Additionally, the adapter board takes the oscilloscope bandwidth from 9 MHz (wire harness) to 30 MHz on the Digilent Analog Discovery 2. Features: Allows the use of standard BNC-terminated test leads and probes on your Analog Discovery Selectable AC and DC coupling to oscilloscope probes Selectable 50-ohm or 0-ohm output impedance on arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) channels With the Discovery BNC, the differential scope inputs of the Analog Discovery become single-ended with the negative input connected to the ground




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