8-07-14_MegaCLI for linux_windows

上传者: 37477226 | 上传时间: 2021-07-03 19:03:32 | 文件大小: 7.63MB | 文件类型: ZIP
包含如下操作系统版本 FreeBSD Linux Solaris Windows 分别对应如下目录 MegaCLI for DOS MegaCLI for Linux MegaCLI for Solaris MegaCLI for FreeBSD MegaCLI for Windows ********************************************* LSI Corp. MegaRAID MegaCLI Release ********************************************* Release Date: 01/20/14 ======================== Supported Controllers ================== MegaRAID SAS 9270-8i MegaRAID SAS 9271-4i MegaRAID SAS 9271-8i MegaRAID SAS 9271-8iCC MegaRAID SAS 9286-8e MegaRAID SAS 9286CV-8e MegaRAID SAS 9286CV-8eCC MegaRAID SAS 9265-8i MegaRAID SAS 9285-8e MegaRAID SAS 9240-4i MegaRAID SAS 9240-8i MegaRAID SAS 9260-4i MegaRAID SAS 9260CV-4i MegaRAID SAS 9260-8i MegaRAID SAS 9260CV-8i MegaRAID SAS 9260DE-8i MegaRAID SAS 9261-8i MegaRAID SAS 9280-4i4e MegaRAID SAS 9280-8e MegaRAID SAS 9280DE-8e MegaRAID SAS 9280-24i4e MegaRAID SAS 9280-16i4e MegaRAID SAS 9260-16i MegaRAID SAS 9266-4i MegaRAID SAS 9266-8i MegaRAID SAS 9285CV-8e MegaRAID SAS 8704ELP MegaRAID SAS 8704EM2 MegaRAID SAS 8708ELP MegaRAID SAS 8708EM2 MegaRAID SAS 8880EM2 MegaRAID SAS 8888ELP MegaRAID SAS 8308ELP* MegaRAID SAS 8344ELP* MegaRAID SAS 84016E* MegaRAID SAS 8408E* MegaRAID SAS 8480E* MegaRAID SATA 300-8ELP* *These older controllers should work but have not been tested. Component: ========= SAS MegaRAID MegaCLI Release Date: 01/20/14 Version Numbers: MegaCLI =============== =========== Current Version 8.07.14 Previous Version 8.07.07 Contents: ========= This package contains MegaCLI for the following OSes: DOS FreeBSD Linux Solaris Windows Use the MegaCLI components from the folder that matches your OS. Enhancements and Bug Fixes ========================== SCGCQ00393585 (DFCT) - VD creation from MegaCli fails on Solaris Sparc 10u9 operating system. SCGCQ00413883 (DFCT) - "megacli -version -pd -a0" Segmentation Faults if PDs are missing SCGCQ00445356 (CSET) - Megacli crashes after invoking any command in SGI system with one 9280-8e and 2 quad port qlogic FC cards. SCGCQ



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