Time Dependent Problems and Difference Methods

上传者: waykinglu | 上传时间: 2022-02-11 15:49:25 | 文件大小: 7.72MB | 文件类型: -
Time dependent problems frequently pose challenges in areas of science and engineering dealing with numerical analysis, scientific computation, mathematical models, and most importantly—numerical experiments intended to analyze physical behavior and test design. Time Dependent Problems and Difference Methods addresses these various industrial considerations in a pragmatic and detailed manner, giving special attention to time dependent problems in its coverage of the derivation and analysis of numerical methods for computational approximations to Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). The book is written in two parts. Part I discusses problems with periodic solutions; Part II proceeds to discuss initial boundary value problems for partial differential equations and numerical methods for them. The problems with periodic solutions have been chosen because they allow the application of Fourier analysis without the complication that arises from the infinite domain for the corresponding Cauchy problem. Furthermore, the analysis of periodic problems provides necessary conditions when constructing methods for initial boundary value problems. Much of the material included in Part II appears for the first time in this book. The authors draw on their own interests and combined extensive experience in applied mathematics and computer science to bring about this practical and useful guide. They provide complete discussions of the pertinent theorems and back them up with examples and illustrations. For physical scientists, engineers, or anyone who uses numerical experiments to test designs or to predict and investigate physical phenomena, this invaluable guide is destined to become a constant companion. Time Dependent Problems and Difference Methods is also extremely useful to numerical analysts, mathematical modelers, and graduate students of applied mathematics and scientific computations.



  • hfsoor :
    it is a good reference
  • nishiyigeshabi :
    I think it is a good reference, for me it's significant on the solution to wave equation only, anywa
  • lizugenggeng :
  • skp666 :
    挺好的书,值得参考 偏数学


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