一个GA-PSO算法 GAPSO-share.zip

上传者: u014742894 | 上传时间: 2021-12-27 20:06:36 | 文件大小: 6KB | 文件类型: ZIP
从网上下载了一个GA-PSO算法,试着利用GA和PSO组合的策略进行优化,结果算法很问题,效率和不错。我下载原始算法,有一个问题就是它是针对所有的设计变量上下限都是一样的,所以我对程序进行了修改与改进,现在可以处理上下限不一致的问题,同时fix了一些bug。(GA GA and PSO algorithm matlab program combined ion group When doing optimization, first choose the GA algorithm, but the instability of the GA (or into a local optimum) it drives people crazy, even after twice the difference results can sometimes reach 30 or more, but because of time reason, I had to choose the optimal 1000, then the minimum of which the most optimal solution. Although the problem is considered solved, but will be from an academic, which makes Ben is very embarrassing. So, I downloaded a GA-PSO algorithm, try to use a combination of GA and PSO optimization strategy, the results of algorithm is the problem, efficiency and good. I downloaded the original algorithm, there is a problem is that it is the design variables for all upper and lower limits are the same, so I had to modify and improve the program, can now handle upper and lower limits inconsistencies, and fix some bug.)




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