Net 程序库,用 c # 编程读写 AutoCAD dxf 文件.zip

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Net 程序库,用 c # 编程读写 AutoCAD dxf 文件。包含使用指南。 它支持文本和二进制格式的 AutoCad2000、 AutoCad2004、 AutoCad2007、 AutoCad2010、 AutoCad2013和 AutoCad2018 dxf 数据库版本。代码示例: public static void Main() { // your dxf file name string file = "sample.dxf"; // by default it will create an AutoCad2000 DXF version DxfDocument dxf = new DxfDocument(); // an entity Line entity = new Line(new Vector2(5, 5), new Vector2(10, 5)); // add your entities here dxf.AddEntity(entity); // save to file dxf.Save(file); // this check is optional but recommended before loading a DXF file DxfVersion dxfVersion = DxfDocument.CheckDxfFileVersion(file); // netDxf is only compatible with AutoCad2000 and higher DXF version if (dxfVersion < DxfVersion.AutoCad2000) return; // load file DxfDocument loaded = DxfDocument.Load(file); }




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