TeeChart8.01 FullSource

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=========================== TeeChart Pro v8 VCL / CLX 100% Full Source Code Steema Software SL http://www.steema.com info@steema.com --------------------------- Thank You for Registering TeeChart Pro Source code. The source code can be modified or expanded for your own compiled applications. You can not resell or redistribute in any way this source code as it is or modified. See the License.txt document for complete licensing and disclaimer issues. Recompiling Packages: ---------------------- Kylix: ------ Please follow the installation guidelines found at Kylix.txt file. Borland Developer Studio 2006, Delphi 2005.NET and Delphi 8 for .NET: -------------------------------------- Open the Steema.TeeChart.VCL project group: Steema.TeeChart.VCL.bdsgroup and build all projects. .NET Destination of runtime packages: ------------------------------------- You might optionally want to install TeeChart for VCL.Net assemblies (packages) into .NET Framework "GAC" (Global Assembly Cache): gacutil /i Steema.TeeChart.VCL.dll gacutil /i Steema.TeeChart.VCL.Languages.dll gacutil /i Steema.TeeChart.VCL.Design.dll .NET Installation: ------------------ Under Delphi .NET, go to Component->Installed .NET Components and browse and select the Steema.TeeChart.VCL.Design.dll assembly (design-time package for VCL Forms applications). Delphi / C++ Builder: --------------------- In Delphi and C++ Builder you can recompile the TeeChart Pro packages opening the appropiate Project Group File (*.bpg) BDS 2006: Tee8D10.bpg Delphi 2005: Tee8D9.bpg Delphi 7: Tee8D7.bpg Delphi 6: Tee8D6.bpg Delphi 5: Tee8D5.bpg Delphi 4: Tee8D4.bpg C++ Builder 6: Tee8BCB6.bpg C++ Builder 5: Tee8BCB5.bpg C++ Builder 4: Tee8BCB4.bpg Double-click the first package ( ie: Tee89 ) and select "Project -> Build All packages" to recompile all packages. Please remove old package files and close all projects before recompiling. Destination of runtime packages: -------------------------------- \Windows\System (\WinNT\System32) : Teexx.bpl TeeDBxx.bpl TeeUIxx.bpl TeeGLxx.bpl TeeQRxx.bpl TeeProxx.bpl TeeImagexx.bpl TeeLanguagexx.bpl Installation of packages: -------------------------- Under Delphi / C++ Builder IDE, select Component->Install Packages. Make sure older TeeChart packages are removed from the package list. Select and Add the following design-time packages: For BDS 2006 and Delphi 2005: DclTeeProxx.bpl For all other Delphi and C++Builder versions: DCLTeexx.bpl DCLTQRxx.bpl DCLTeeProxx.bpl DCLTGLxx.bpl and: \Windows\System\TeeImagexx.bpl Installation errors: --------------------- Problems when installing packages in Delphi / C++ Builder arise when old or duplicate *.bpl (*.dpl) files are still located in the system path (\Windows\System or \WinNT\System32). Other causes are: -Improper modification of source code. -Old or duplicate *.DCP or *.DCU or *.OBJ files. Modifications: -------------- If you modify TeeChart Pro source code or fix a bug, you can email us this info so we can apply the same changes for next coming upgrades if they can benefit to other programmers. Support: -------- Please direct your questions to our Support Central Web Site: http://support.steema.com ------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for TeeCharting ! Steema Software www.steema.com




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