Unity Skele: Character Animation Tools 1.96p2 - 角色动作调整插件

上传者: u013680009 | 上传时间: 2021-09-07 11:59:35 | 文件大小: 33.43MB | 文件类型: RAR
Requires Unity 5.3.0 or higher. Make Skeleton & Vertex Animations right inside the Unity Editor. [New Online Manual] [v1.9.1] Constraints System Skele: Character Animation Toolssignificantly speeds up animator/indie's animation workflow in several ways: 1. Enable developers to make / modify character animations in UnityEditor. Reduce software switching and tedious import/export/split work 2. [BETA] Integrated Timeline editorGreatly accelerate authoring productivity for complex multi-character scenes (cutscenes / finishing moves / etc) 3. Mesh-Morpher tools to make blendshape-like animations without bones 4. Export skinned meshes and animations as DAE archive 5. Utilize the clips you bought from store, modify them to your needs, convert clip type, export to external softwares, etc. 6. Constraints system working in both edit-mode & game-mode. 7. Spline Editor to edit movement path. ******************* Humanoid rig needs special treatment:Please read the two FAQ posts: (1)How to Edit Humanoid clips? (2)Best workflow for Humanoid models? ******************* Main Features: 1. Make animation for your rigged characters with FK/IK support. flag, stick, dragon, ghost, mech, bird, fish, robot, human... you could manipulate ANY rigged models. 2. Modify animations. Modify Generic/Legacy animations directly; with our converter, you could also modify and export clips you bought from assetstore too. Modify and get the result immediately. 3. Make blendshape-like vertex animations directly in Unity Editor. 4. Integrated with Timeline Editor [BETA]. Edit the cutscene right inplace, and easily integrate with code/fx/audio/gui/etc. 5. Visualize the bone link, the vertices, and bone weights, etc. 6. Reduce the folder size, you don't need to include duplicate meshes for each animation. 7. Make/Save/Load poses on disk 8. Convert MuscleClip(Humanoid clip) to and fro Legacy/Generic clip 9. Generate RootMotion from RootBone curves 10. Export character mesh and character ani



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