HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day 7th 第7版 0分

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Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day, Covers HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery 7th Series: Sams Teach Yourself Paperback: 768 pages Publisher: Sams Publishing; 7 edition (January 10, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 0672336235 ISBN-13: 978-0672336232 Thoroughly revised and updated with examples rewritten to conform to HTML5, CSS3, and contemporary web development practices, this easy-to-understand, step-by-step tutorial helps you quickly master the basics of HTML and CSS before moving on to more advanced topics such as graphics, video, and interactivity with JavaScript and jQuery. In just one hour a day, you’ll learn the skills you need to design, create, and maintain a professional-looking website. No previous experience required. By following each short, one-hour lesson in this book, anyone can learn the basics of web development. Learn at your own pace. You can work through each lesson sequentially to make sure you thoroughly understand all the concepts and methodologies, or you can focus on specific lessons to learn the techniques that interest you most. Test your knowledge. Each lesson ends with a Workshop section filled with questions, answers, and exercises for further study. Learn how to... Fully implement the HTML5 and CSS3 standards Work with text and create links Add images and graphics to your page Use CSS to style a site and position elements on a page Structure a page with HTML5 Use responsive web design to make your pages look good on different-sized screens Use JavaScript to add dynamic elements and interactivity on your pages Leverage jQuery to add JavaScript features to your pages Design for the mobile web Get your site online and let people know it’s there Optimize your site for search engines



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