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上传时间: 2022-05-20 14:04:39
文件大小: 9.12MB
文件类型: PPTX
; 店铺活动期间,为了刺激产品销售,卖家常常主动向新老顾客推荐关联的特殊产品,或在重大节日前,与客户交流过程中,向客户提前告知节日的促销活动。;特殊产品包括哪些产品类型?;;;;;Dear customer,
As Christmas and the New Year is coming, we found XXXX has a large potential market. Many customers are buying them for resale on eBay or in their retail stores because of its high profit margin. We have a large stock of XXXX. Please click the following link to check them out ********************. Thanks
Best Regards
(Your name);;Dear customer,
Right now Christ