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上传时间: 2022-05-19 14:04:38
文件大小: 782KB
文件类型: PPTX
任务操作;作为跨境电子商务卖家的客户服务人员,在交易过程中最好多主动联系境外客户。客户付款以后,还有发货、物流、收货和评价等诸多过程,卖家需要将发货及物流信息及时告知客户,提醒客户注意收货,这些沟通既能让客户即时掌握交易动向,也能够让客户感觉受到卖家的重视,促进双方的信任与合作,从而提高客户的购物满意度。;Me (Joe) 2018.05.21 08:52 You are so elegant and kind. Best wishes to you!
Peter 2018.05.21 08:50 Thank you! I hope that your company continues to grow! You are wonderful! Thank you for being so nice and honest and for making me feel you care! I feel like I know you even though I have never met you, and that is because of the wonderful customer