霍尼韦尔Honeywell 楼宇自控 DDC编程 CARE 7.01

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Improved 3rd party LON support
 CARE Controlled Flow Parameters moved to LonWorks Properties
 EBI settings for:
1. NV Poll Interval
2. Use Inpidual or Network Poll Interval
3. Report by Exception
4. Use Bound Updates
 Upload EBI Settings
 T7350 support
 Xlink and Open Link support
 Automaticaly sets NVO Heartbeat when upgrading projects
 Stop button on LNS Sync.
 Excelon installed with CARE ( license must be purchased seperatly )

CARE (Excel Computer Aided Regulation Engineering) software provides graphic
tools to create downloadable control programs for EXCEL 5000®
Controllers. The
CARE process includes the development of:

 C-bus, LON-bus, and BACnet networks
 Schematics (does not apply to Excel Web controller and ELink controller)
 Control strategies
 Switching logics
 Point attributes
 Point mapping files (optional)
 Time programs
 Job documentation

Supported Controllers and Devices
 Excel 10 / 50 / 80 / 100 / 500 / 600 / 800
 Excel Smart Controller
 Excel Web Controller
 Excel Link (XLink) Controller
 Excel OLink/OPS Controller
 Excel IRC
 Excel ELink
 Standard I/O Modules
 Distributed I/O Modules
 Smart I/O Modules
 Panel I/O Modules (pluggable)
 Mixed I/O Modules (with panel bus communication)
 M7410G Linear Valve Actuator with LON capabilities and other Honeywell LON
 3rd party LON devices
 3rd party BACnet devices




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