Advanced BAT to EXE Converter2.83老朽痴拙汉化版(BAT编辑转换器)

上传者: u010169080 | 上传时间: 2023-04-03 15:33:58 | 文件大小: 1013KB | 文件类型: ZIP
Advanced BAT to EXE Converter2.83老朽痴拙汉化版(BAT编辑转换器) 转换和编译任何批处理文件为windows可执行文件。 隐形模式启动的批处理文件,彻底静默。 批处理文件源进行加密,让你的代码有秘码。 您可以设置EXE图标,产品版本,公司信息属性。 包括难以在正常的批处理文件获得的先进的扩展命令。 嵌入和加密其他依赖文件(图像,声音.exe) 用于创建安装包。 有助于实现重复任务的自动化。 内置的编辑器。 生成EXE独立文件,不需要任何DLL运行。 工作于所有W??indows 98/ME/2000/2003/XP/Vista/Win7上有DOS6.0编译选项。 What's New? v2.83 --------------------- -HideWindow, ShowWindow, CloseWindow extended commands for windows apps -MouseCMD allows you to use Mouse Input for your batch files -BrowseFiles allows you to use Windows Common Dialog box to browse for a file -BrowseFolder allows you to use a Windows Dialog to browse for a folder -Windows Context Menu compile option for .BAT and .CMD -New Extended command "FASTCMD" allows you to embed Graphic Wizard saves directly to your compiled batch file and increases the speed of the graphic commands -Quickly embed multiple files to your project with the improved common dialog -LocateAt extended command accepts + or - relative coordinates -Greatly increased the speed that large files are embedded to EXE -Console/Invisible & Admin Manifest options saved in batch file header -Command Line compile option. Build EXE without GUI -Improved User Interface -EXE command line options greater than 1024 in length -Compiled EXE accept 3rd party digital signatures -Administrator Manifest -Graphical Enhancement Wizard - PointNClick graphic tool -Automatically writes code to paste to your batch file script



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