RSA 2019PPT汇总(194份).zip

上传者: testvaevv | 上传时间: 2022-01-04 12:00:07 | 文件大小: 566.71MB | 文件类型: ZIP
['12 Ways to Hack MFA.pdf', '4G to 5G Evolution:In-Depth Security Perspective.pdf', '99 Security Tools and You Still Got Breached%3F.pdf', 'A Cloud Security Architecture Workshop.pdf', 'Accelerate and Simplify Incident Response with Security Automation.pdf', 'Achieving Operational Security Excellence in Connected IoT Solutions.pdf', 'AI and Machine Learning:Managing the Risks of Major Lawsuits.pdf', 'AI:Hacking Without Humans How Can Human Brains Be Hacked%3F.pdf', 'Are Spoof-Proof Biometrics Really Possible%3F.pdf', 'ATT&CK in Practice A Primer to Improve Your Cyber Defense.pdf', 'Attack Vectors in Orbit:The Need for IoT and Satellite Security.pdf', 'Automated Fault Analysis of Block Cipher Implementations.pdf', 'Automatic Search for A Variant of Division Property Using Three Subsets.pdf', 'Automation vs Human Eyes:Optimizing Human Intuition for Success.pdf', 'Aviation Cybersecurity:Keeping the Wings On.pdf', 'Awareness at Scale:Creating Risk-Aware Cultures in Big Companies.pdf', 'Barney Fife Metrics:The Bullet That we Have but Don’t Use, and Why.pdf', 'Better Securing the Now and the Next:Applying Engineering First Principles to Achieve Demonstrably Better Cybersecurity.pdf', 'Bitcoin Por Favor:Cybercriminal Usage of Cryptocurrency in Latin America.pdf', 'Blockchain Anchored Swap Meet —a mock trial.pdf', 'Blockchain Augmentation of the Trusted Supply Chain.pdf', 'Blockchain Based Digital Identity:Exploring the messy space between promise and reality.pdf', 'Blockchainification of Cyber Supply Chain Risk:Hype vs. Hope.pdf', 'Building a Defensible Cyberspace(Paper).pdf', 'Building a Leading Cloud Security Program.pdf', 'Building Identity for an Open Perimeter.pdf', 'Changing the World with the UK’s Code of Practice for Consumer IoT Security.pdf', 'Cheaper by the dozen:application security on a limited budget.pdf', 'Combatting the Scourge of Fileless Attacks.pdf', 'Container Security at the Speed of CI\uf022CD.pdf', 'Cryptocurrency Hacking and the Legal Climate for Bl




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