2018英国物联网安全大会PPT汇总(21份).zip - 访问管理

上传者: testvaevv | 上传时间: 2022-01-03 09:00:14 | 文件大小: 36.22MB | 文件类型: ZIP
1.A.1.pdf 1.A.2.pdf 4.A.2.pdf 5.B.3.pdf A probabilistic verification scheme for vehicular safety applications.pdf Economic Impact of IoT Cyber Risk.pdf Embedded policing and policy enforcement approach for future secure IoT technologies.pdf Ethical and normative challenges of identification in the Internet of Things.pdf GSAM Internet of things programme.pdf IoT in the wild what negotiating public deployments can tell us about the state of the Internet of Things.pdf IoT interoperability security considerations and challenges in implementation.pdf Jeremy Watson.pdf Keynote Advanced Security Research Greg Akers Cisco.pdf Mechanisms for meaningful consent in IoT.pdf Respectful things adding social intelligence to ‘Smart’ Devices.pdf Smart Bears don’t talk to strangers.pdf Smart IoT and soft AI.pdf The consumer security index for IoT.pdf Using graph databases to assess the security of thingernets based on the thingabilities and thingertivity of things.pdf What children s imagined uses of the BBC Micro bit tells us about designing for their IoT privacy security and safety.pdf WSNs under attack! How bad is it Evaluating connectivity impact using centrality measures.pdf




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