Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++ Second Edition

上传者: syhily | 上传时间: 2021-09-08 17:24:30 | 文件大小: 28.07MB | 文件类型: PDF
Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++ Second Edition Sartraj Sahni | Universities Press 2005 | ISBN: 817371522X | PDF | 826 Pages | 27 MB Description The study of data structures and algorithms is fundamental to computer science and engineering. A mastery of these areas is essential for us to develop computer programs that utilize computer resources in an effective manner. This book is a nice description of data structures in C++. The Part I of book consist of c++ review and preliminaries, Part II consists of data structures including Lists, Dictionaries, Stacks, Queues and trees and their different types of representations, Arrays and Matrices, Graphs and Performance analysis and Part III consists of Algorithm-Design Methods including Greedy method, Divide and conquer, Dynamic Programming, Backtracking (on the web), Branch and Bound (on the web). Table of Contents Part I Preliminaries Chapter 1 C++ Review Chapter 2 Performance Analysis Chapter 3 Asymptotic Notation Chapter 4 Performance Measurement Part II Data Structures Chapter 5 Linear Lists - Arrays Representation Chapter 6 Linear Lists - Linked Representation Chapter 7 Arrays and Matrices Chapter 8 Stacks Chapter 9 Queues Chapter 10 Skip Lists and Hashing Chapter 11 Binary and Other Trees Chapter 12 Priority Queues Chapter 13 Tournament Trees Chapter 14 Binary Search Trees Chapter 15 Balanced Search Trees Chapter 16 Graphs Part III Algorithm Design Methods Chapter 17 The Greedy Method Chapter 18 Divide and Conquer Chapter 19 Dynamic Programming Chapter 20 Backtracking (On the Web) Chapter 21 Branch and Bound (On the Web) Index



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