C# to Java 代码转换工具(已破解)

上传者: shjh369 | 上传时间: 2011-04-19 00:00:00 | 文件大小: 259KB | 文件类型: zip
一个很强大的工具, 能将c#代码片段、文件甚至工程直接转换成java代码,并能彻底解决外部引用的DLL问题,最强的是支持c#工程的直接转换,生成的Java代码质量也很不错。软件已破解,去除了未注册版最多只能转换1000行的限制,亲测可用!压缩包内含帮助文档,不过由于软件的使用很简单,帮助文档基本可以忽略。(小提示:如无法运行,请确认是否安装了.NET framework) 下面是一些英文介绍: C# to Java Converter features include: 1. Folder conversion: Entire folders of C# code files are converted to Java code files.(文件夹转换) 2. Code snippet and file conversion: Our snippet conversion accuracy is outstanding and does not require you to insert entire methods or classes. Heuristics are used to convert code fragments with missing declarations. (代码片段和文件转换) 3. Full support for the latest .NET code syntax: Generics and other newer C# features are converted where possible to the Java equivalent.(全面支持最新版的.NET语法) 4. Conversion options: You can specify numerous conversion options via our Options dialog. Code formatting options, custom type & member replacements, custom string replacements, and miscellaneous options. (可以指定转换规则) 5. File comparison feature: After converting a project or folder, you can compare original and converted files side-by-side. Comparing converted code to original code.(原代码与转换后代码的比较) 6. Running from the command line: C# to Java Converter can be launched directly for a specific project, folder, or file conversion from the command line. Command line.(命令行执行) 其他一些特点: 1. Converts all versions of C# code (2002, 2003, 2005, 2008, and 2010) (可以转换所有版本的C#代码) 2. Evaluates all referenced assemblies and .NET projects in order to resolve external references more completely.(能彻底解决外部引用的dll类库) 3. Converts C# ref parameters using Java generics 4. Superb conversions of all types of arrays 5. Handles the numerous coding alternatives and ambiguities of C# code 6. Flawless conversion of all aspects of inheritance and interfaces 7. Allows custom replacement of strings in the final converted code 8. Accurate even with poorly formatted C# code



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