
上传者: sherlockzak | 上传时间: 2021-10-07 16:20:55 | 文件大小: 27.46MB | 文件类型: -
GPG Key 生成与导出,20190513最新版 OpenPGP signature (for gpg4win-3.1.7.exe) SHA256: ba2c4ac4cf9a44e19611f86ece4bafa71a5ef02553a1652a73b9037c74608b69 Changelog More Gpg4win-3.1.7 downloads Gpg4win source code package: gpg4win-3.1.7.tar.bz2 (Size: 5.3 MByte) OpenPGP signature SHA256 checksum: 1bc9ea9f2703cfe6878885507bb8d35a5a98cbda69ebe6bdbe909dd11d764e7f All versions and OpenPGP signatures: To create a portable Gpg4win version use the included tool mkportable.exe. HOWTO: Install Gpg4win with all components and then run from the command line (cmd) in install directory: mkportable.exe [OPTIONS] TARGETDIR. Use mkportable.exe --help to get all options. The portable version does not include GpgOL and GpgEX! Your certificates and settings are saved in the directory 'home' of portable version. Please note: Do not use portable applications - especially crypto applications - on potentially infected systems. For the full mkportable version of Gpg4win you have to install all components including GPA. Additionally the name of the target folder has to be at least four characters long. Installation After downloading please verify the integrity of your Gpg4win package. Then double-click on the file you have downloaded and follow the instructions on the screen (or look at the documentation) and read the current README file.




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