essential c++英文版

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《Essential C++(英文版)》是众多C++初学者的入门经典。《Essential C++(英文版)》从4个方面来表现C++的本质:procedural(过程化的)、generic(泛型的)、object-based(基于对象的)、object-oriented(面向对象的)。《Essential C++(英文版)》的组织围绕着一系列由浅入深的程序问题,以及用以解决这些问题的语言特性。按照这种方式,读者不但会学到C++的函数和结构,还会学习到它们的设计目的和基本原理。   《Essential C++(英文版)》涉猎范围很广,内容涉及C++语言发展的主要几个方面,适合有一定基础的C++初学者。 Essential C++(英文版) 目录 Chapter 1: Basic C++ Programming  1.1: How to Write a C++ Program  1.2: Defining and Initializing a Data Object 1.3: Writing Expressions  1.4: Writing Conditional and Loop Statements 1.5: How to Use Arrays and Vectors  1.6 Pointers Allow for Flexibility  1.7: Writing and Reading Files  Chapter 2: Procedural Programming  2.1: How to Write a Function  2.2: Invoking a Function  2.3: Providing Default Parameter Values  2.4: Using Local Static Objects  2.5: Declaring a Function Inline  2.6: Providing Overloaded Functions  2.7: Defining and Using Template Functions  2.8: Pointers to Functions Add Flexiblity  2.9: Setting Up a Header File  Chapter 3: Generic Programming  3.1: The Arithmetic of Pointers  3.2: Making Sense of Iterators  3.3: Operations Common to All Containers  3.4: Using the Sequential Containers  3.5: Using the Generic Algorithms  3.6: How to Design a Generic Algorithm  3.7: Using a Map  3.8: Using a Set  3.9: How to Use Iterator Inserters  3.10: Using the iostream Iterators  Chapter 4: Object-Based Programming  4.1: How to Implement a Class  4.2: What Are Class Constructors and the Class Destructor?  4.3: What Are mutable and const?  4.4: What Is the this Pointer?  4.5: Static Class Members  4.6: Building an Iterator Class  4.7: Collaboration Sometimes Requires Friendship  4.8: Implementing a Copy Assignment Operator 4.9: Implementing a Function Object  4.10: Providing Class Instances of the iostream Operators  4.11: Pointers to Class Member Functions  Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Programming  5.1: Object-Oriented Programming Concepts  5.2: A Tour of Object-Oriented Programming  5.3: Polymorphism without Inheritance  5.3: Defining an Abstract Base Class  5.4: Defining a Derived Class  5.5: Using an Inheritance Hierarchy  5.6: How Abstract Should a Base Class Be?  5.7: Initialization, Destruction, and Copy  5.8: Defining a Derived Class Virtual Function  5.9: Run-Time Type Identification  Chapter 6: Programming with Templates  6.1: Parameterized Types  6.2: The Template Class Definition  6.3: Handling Template Type Parameters  6.4: Implementing the Template Class  6.5: A Function Template Output Operator  6.6: Constant Expressions and Default Parameters  6.7: Template Parameters as Strategy  6.8: Member Template Functions  Chapter 7: Exception Handling  7.1: Throwing an Exception  7.2: Catching an Exception  7.3: Trying for an Exception  7.4: Local Resource Management  7.5: The Standard Exceptions  Appendix A: Exercise Solutions  Appendix B: Generic Algorithms Handbook  Index 



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